
Hazy Brett Double IPA



Available to go


Fuel efficiency, maneuverability, plentiful cargo space from the hatchback, big guns, rockets, armor plating, and ramming features. These are all the essentials of the perfect Battlewagon. And of course, top it off with some custom hand-painted symbols to tie together the vibe. Dreamyard’s juicy base, dry hopped with El Dorado, fermented with Brettanomyces for a mixed ferm twang, & aged in white wine barrels. These make for the Battlewagon of beers.

Introducing Battlewagon, a Hazy Brett Double IPA w/ pale ale malt, malted oats, malted wheat, hopped w/ Citra cryo. Aged in white wine barrels w/ Brettanomyces for 6 months, dry hopped w/ El Dorado cryo. Bottle conditioned.

Bottles of Battlewagon will be available for onsite consumption and to-go starting Saturday, September 28.